About Us
Caution: Objects May Appear Larger Than They Really Are
Though our company looks much bigger on the web, Lensmate is a partnership of Tony Kaplan and Susan Doel and a few great employees.
We are located in Seattle, Washington USA and started designing custom accessories in 1999, when Tony’s brother could not find a filter adapter for his Kodak DC260 camera. So we made one and the word got out via the Kodak forum at DPreview.
Since then, Lensmate continues to hold its own with multi-million dollar companies like Sony, Fujifilm, Panasonic, and Canon. We offer our customers custom products like our Quick Change Filter Adapter that enables cameras without filter threads to use filters, our custom soft release buttons and our lineup of thumbrests at very competitive prices.
Tony is our designer, very detail oriented with a strong mechanical background, and a sophisticated appreciation for functionality and aesthetics. He is an avid cyclist, guitarist and photographer. Also known as the Cat wrangler.

Susan is the big picture person, manages the business day to day, from customer service to product packaging design. Works with employees, designs the website appearance, makes sure things are running as smoothly as possible with an open expectation of things getting lovelier and lovelier. She has a strong sense of curiosity, and feels beauty in all forms uplifts the spirit.

Ratha is our big personality 3D modeler, and Youtube hand model. He recently quit his aerospace cad position to become a free lance designer and Solidworks modeler, with goals of someday designing 3D printed artificial limbs for children and adults who have lost their limbs to war.

Dan is our shipping guy, a sound and music man, with a large collection of very nice guitars. He loves to cook and share his food experiments with us - everything from Sous vide meats, smoked fish, to homemade tomato sauces, and apple pies made from fruit trees in his back yard.
Liz is our assembly expert and Tony’s sister, all round general packager of all Lensmate products. She brings a lot of love and connection to our group, as well as being passionate about her children, playing poker, and her kickboxing classes.

Jesse is our behind the scenes webmaster, and Tony’s nephew (Liz's son). Works more than full time at his real tech job, but always finds the time to help us upload files or videos. He is a real sweetie, cat lover and has been working for us since he was 16 years old.
Jag and Lucas after a hard day at work.